Four Things To Consider When Searching For A Nursing Home For A Loved One

When a loved one can no longer live on their own, but you do not have the time nor the space in your home to give them the care that they need and deserve, it can be hard to know what to do. A nursing home is always a great option for many families because it ensures that the person gets the care that they need at all times of day from professionals. [Read More]

Lower Your Lipids: Ten Foods That Will Improve Cholesterol And Lower Blood-Pressure Naturally

There are a few things that you should know about cholesterol in your daily diet, and how it is linked to hypertension or high-blood pressure. When arteries become lined with cholesterol, the heart has to work harder to pump blood which can result in heart disease. Also, be aware that there are two types of cholesterol: Bad cholesterol (LDL) which can cause plaque on your arteries and good cholesterol (HDL) which can help remove this plaque and improve blood flow. [Read More]

Why A Bone Disease Makes Your Hands Go Numb

Osteoporosis causes weak bones and painful joints. It also puts you at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition which can cause you to lose functionality in one or both hands. If your orthopedic doctor has diagnosed you with osteoporosis and you are experiencing numbness or tingling in your hands, here is what is happening and how it is treated. Median Nerve Irritation A large nerve, called the median nerve, extends down your arm from your elbow, through the wrist and into the palm of your hand. [Read More]

Why You Should Not Use Lice Removal Treatments For The Wrong Kinds Of Lice

Most people are unaware that there are three kinds of lice that make humans their buffet table. There are head lice, body lice and pubic lice. Each of these types of lice require slightly different chemical treatments, and you should not use the wrong type of chemical treatment to kill off the lice you have. In fact, if you are carrying one or more kinds of lice around on your person, it is important to use more than one medicated lice removal treatments to eradicate these biting pests from your person. [Read More]