3 Ways Male Partners Can Support Their Significant Other's Contraceptive Choices

If you are a male and are sexually active with a female, then contraception will likely be an important aspect of your relationship. There are many different methods that couples may choose to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but the majority of options available, such as hormonal pills, injections, and IUDs are used solely by the woman. However, there are plenty of ways that male partners can show their support for their female partner and be involved in decisions about contraception. [Read More]

Refuting Three Misconceptions About Head Lice

Lice can be an embarrassing problem for you to develop, and it is important for you to understand this condition so that you can treat it as efficiently as possible. There are some misconceptions and myths floating around that can make you handle this problem incorrectly. If you assume one of the following misconceptions is true, then you may find it more difficult or inconvenient to address your problem. Myth One: Washing Your Hair Will Keep You From Getting Lice [Read More]

Tips For Going To Urgent Care: What You Should Do

When you experience an injury or get sick when and need medical care when your doctor's office is closed, you generally only have a few options available to you. Those are urgent care and emergency room care. Because going to the emergency room can be quite expensive and can take a great deal of time, you may be more inclined to choose urgent care when you need to see a doctor after-hours. [Read More]

How To Feel More Comfortable At The Gynecologist

Going to the gynecologist can make any woman feel anxious or afraid, and if this is how you feel about the experience you're not alone. As many as two-thirds of surveyed women expressed a degree of anxiety about going to the gynecologist based on the gender of their doctor alone. If going to the gynecologist makes you so uncomfortable you forgo regular pap smear appointments or neglect to talk to your doctor about feminine issues that bother you, you could be putting your physical health in danger. [Read More]