The Evolution Of Emergency Medical Care

It's a wonderful thing to be able to walk into the emergency department at the nearest hospital and receive medical attention for minor ailments, such as scrapes and coughs, to more serious afflictions, such as broken bones and appendicitis. In fact, emergency departments completely revolutionized the way emergency medicine developed and continues to develop to this day.  The Early Stages of American Emergency Medicine: House Calls Prior to this revolution in emergency medical care, you had to trust that your town's doctor was on call. [Read More]

Sun Exposure Taking The Shine Out Of Your Skin? 3 Steps To Beautiful Skin

Every time you go outside during the day, your face is exposed to the sun. Over time, that exposure can take its toll on your skin. Sun exposure can cause wrinkles, dry out your skin, and make you look older. It can even make your skin look dull and lifeless. Don't let the sun get you down. You can bring the glow back into your skin with just a few simple steps. [Read More]

What To Do When You Cannot Afford A Loved One's Funeral Expenses

The cost of holding a funeral for a loved one is often an overlooked expense. No one really likes to think about death, and the thought of paying for memorial services is one that can be overwhelming if the time comes and there is not enough money available. Here are some ideas to help when a loved one passes away without prior plan about their funeral expenses. Check Their Money First [Read More]

Three Alternative Remedies For Migraine Headache Relief

If you suffer with migraines, chances are you have tried everything to find a cure for the debilitating headaches. While some prescription medications offer relief for some, many migraine sufferers are opting for a cure that does not involve pain medications or other types of prescription drugs. Here are three alternative remedies for migraine headache relief. Avoid Certain Foods - One of the easiest alternative remedies migraine sufferers can try is to simply avoid eating certain foods. [Read More]