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How Do You Prepare For A Colonoscopy?

Many people are nervous about undergoing a colonoscopy procedure. Fortunately, preparing in advance can help alleviate some common fears. Prepare yourself physically and mentally for your next colonoscopy by reading the suggestions below.

1) Learn about the procedure 

Learning about the details of a colonoscopy procedure, such as how and why one is performed, can help you feel more confident. A colonoscopy is a routine test used to screen for colon cancer, and patients usually receive one at least once every 10 years after they turn 45.

During a colonoscopy, the doctor will insert a long, flexible tube into your rectum and colon in order to examine the lining of your colon for any abnormal growths. The procedure usually takes just 30 to 60 minutes, though your doctor may require more or less time depending on your unique situation.

2) Schedule the procedure at a time that works for you

If you are able to, schedule your colonoscopy for a time when you can take off work or have someone else watch your children. This will help you feel less stressed on the day of the procedure.

You should also choose a time that works well for you when possible. For example, if you're not a morning person, you can ask if your doctor can do the test later in the day.

3) Follow the prep instructions from your doctor

In order to clean out your colon before the colonoscopy, you will need to follow a special diet and take a laxative or enema. This may sound daunting, but it's important to follow your doctor's instructions exactly.

Your colon needs to be as empty as possible during the colonoscopy so that the doctor can get a clear view. Eating a low-fiber diet and drinking plenty of fluids in the days leading up to the procedure may help.

4) Arrange for someone to drive you home

You will not be able to drive yourself home after the colonoscopy because you will be given sedatives during the procedure. Arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home and stay with you for at least the first few hours after the colonoscopy. Don't wait until the last minute to arrange transportation, as the hospital may refuse to release you if you don't have a ride.

A colonoscopy procedure is an important part of your wellness routine. Learn more about the benefits of receiving a colonoscopy by speaking with a skilled medical provider.

Click here to learn more about colonoscopy procedures.
