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What To Expect From An Eating Disorder Treatment Program

If you're getting ready to go into eating disorder rehab, then you may be wondering what you can expect from the entire process. Having an eating disorder can be challenging, but the good news is that with treatment, you can go back to living a healthy life. If you are a bit concerned about what will happen when you check into a rehabilitation facility, here is a closer look at what to expect.

Removal of Food Restrictions

Having an eating disorder usually means that there are restrictions on what you eat. One of the first things therapists will do is remove these restrictions. Removing or interrupting any behaviors that contribute to the pattern of the disorder is an essential first step. This means that food restrictions, intense exercise, and binge eating along with any other symptoms of your eating disorder will be removed.

Normalizing Eating Patterns

The next step in the process is to start the normalization of your eating patterns. This means that your diet will be changed so that you start eating healthy portions and also eating at regular intervals. A complete nutritional rehabilitation ensures that you are getting the proper nutrients from all the foods that you eat will be done.

Thoughts and Behaviors

One of the main reasons why you may have an eating disorder is because of your thoughts and feelings about your body or yourself. Psychological intervention is one of the major tools for eating disorder rehabilitation. 

You will be shown how to change the way you think about food and your body as well. Any emotional issues that led to having an eating disorder will also be addressed. All of this is geared towards assisting you in changing your thoughts and behaviors so that you have a more positive outlook on life.

Relapse Prevention Plan

One thing that must be established is a relapse prevention plan. A relapse prevention plan will ensure that you don't fall back into the same patterns of behavior. This plan will be customized to suit your lifestyle and your current needs.

Start the Journey to Recovery

Having an eating disorder can be challenging. However, with help from an eating disorder treatment program, you can recover. This recovery will be both physical and mental; you will also be shown ways to maintain your recovery so that you do not relapse into your old patterns of behavior. Also, follow-up counseling sessions are often given to prevent relapse.

For more information on an eating disorder treatment program, contact a professional near you.
