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Tips For Recovering From Laser Vision Correction Surgery

Many people have poor eyesight and have to rely on contacts or glasses for vision correction. But, in this day and age, laser vision correction has become an increasingly popular option for people who want to say goodbye to contacts and glasses and finally have good vision for the first time. Laser vision correction is a relatively painless outpatient procedure that does not take long to complete. After you are fully recovered from the laser surgery, your vision will be as close to normal as possible, and you will no longer need glasses or contacts. If you're planning on getting laser vision correction, use the following tips during your recovery:

Keep Your Hands Away from Your Eyes

While laser vision correction surgery is not painful, it is not uncommon to feel some discomfort after the procedure. Your eyes may feel dry and itchy, or you may experience a slight burning sensation. No matter how your eyes feel, it is extremely important to avoid touching or rubbing your eyes after laser vision correction surgery. Doing so can cause complications and can introduce bacteria into your eyes, which can cause an infection. Some people actually choose to wear goggles for a few days after laser vision correction surgery to make sure that they do not accidentally touch their eyes.

Avoid Showers

For several days following laser vision correction surgery, you will want to opt for baths, not showers. While your eyes are recovering, it is important to ensure that they do not come in contact with water, soap, or any other type of irritant. Taking a bath instead of a shower will help ensure that you face and eyes do not get wet, nor will they be exposed to soap, shampoo, or anything else that could irritate them.

Use Your Eye Drops as Prescribed

Following laser vision correction surgery, you doctor will prescribe you special eye drop to use during your recovery period. It is extremely important to use the eye drops exactly as prescribed. These eye drops will help your eyes heal from laser surgery and will also help prevent any types of infections. In addition, the eye drops prescribed by your doctor will help ensure that your corneas stay lubricate, which is important in order to prevent eye irritation. 

Attend All Follow Up Appointments

In the days and weeks following laser vision correction surgery, you will need to go to follow up appointments so your doctor can examine your eyes and monitor your recovery. It is essential for you to attend every follow up appointment. If you want the very best outcome from your laser surgery, you will need to see your doctor regularly and follow all of his instructions. 
