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Short Term Nursing Issues You Need To Think About

Choosing a short term nursing facility is a problem that many people don't think about until they're in need of it. Whether you have just realized you need assistance or have been preparing for it, here's what you need to know before you select a place.

Paying for Care

No one really wants to confront the basic fact that short term nursing care can be expensive, but it's important to avoid getting a major bill down the road or being denied help up front. If you're on Medicare or Medicaid, the first order of business is finding locations that are certified by the government to take patients. Fortunately, Medicare offers a tool for comparing every facility in the nation. Those on private health insurance plans will need to talk with their carrier about facilities that are accepted. If you're self-insuring, take the time to explain your situation and try to negotiate a price and payment plan in advance.

Implementing Care Plans

It's a good idea to meet with staff members who'll be in charge of implementing care plans, if possible. You can present them with what your doctors have recommended, and they'll help you draw a line between those recommendations and what they can do to assist you. It'll also give you a sense of how they approach and solve problems, and you'll develop a feel for how they treat residents.

Emergency Capabilities

While most short term nursing care problems fall within a relatively dull and predictable line of possibilities, there are risks for anyone who is in such a situation. For example, someone recovering from hip surgery might end up with an undiscovered clot. If that clot breaks free, you may be in a situation where having a registered nurse present in the middle of the night ends up being a difference maker. Many other issues, such as having a crash cart on site, fit into this view of things that aren't likely to be necessary, but you'll be glad to know they're available.


Plenty of short term nursing care clients need access to physical therapy. Ask for a tour of the facility and to see some sessions in action. Look around and see what types of equipment are available and whether residents all have access to what they need during each session. If you have specialized requirements, have your doctor outline those for you before a visit.
