prescription safety glasses for any hobby or job

How Polycarbonate Eyeglasses Help Save Builders Money

Builders who need eyeglasses know how expensive it can be to maintain their eyewear. Accidents can easily occur on a job site that destroys a pair of glasses. Those who are looking for great lenses that won't cost them excessive amounts of money should check out polycarbonate safety glasses.

Builders Need High-Quality Safety Glasses

On a job site, builders who need eyeglasses are constantly putting their glasses at risk of breaking. For example, a misplaced board or a dropped tool could smash their glasses into bits. Safety glasses are an important way of not only protecting their glasses from breaking but avoiding eye damage that could be dangerous or even fatal.

There are typically two types of lenses used in safety glasses: polycarbonate and trivex. Trivex is the less popular solution for a variety of reasons. Breaking down why a person should buy polycarbonate lenses requires understanding the many benefits they offer and how they can help a builder save money while on the job.

Polycarbonate Eyeglasses Are Tough

The reason that polycarbonate lenses are so popular for safety glasses is their toughness. They were originally developed for use in airplanes and even in space travel. In fact, it has actually been used as both helmet visors and windshields for space shuttles. That kind of toughness helps differentiate it from glass lenses that can break much easier.

It is also possible to get scratch-resistant coating on glasses to keep them safe from different types of damage. For example, it can protect them from the scratch of a nail or screw across the surface of the lens. As a result, builders have a great pair of safety glasses that won't wear out and gives them the vision acuity they need for their work.

They Are Cheaper Than Other Alternatives

While trivex lenses offer many of the same advantages of polycarbonate lenses, they generally remain less used. Why? They typically cost more than polycarbonate lenses, which turns many people away from them. This is another important consideration for a builder looking for safety glasses. Finding a pair that costs less and protects their eyes is a great option.

The exact cost of these lenses will vary depending on the provider. In fact, some may actually offer discounts on trivex for various reasons, including deals with a trivex lens provider. That said, polycarbonate is generally cheaper because it is a more established material type.

Anyone interested in polycarbonate safety glasses should talk to their optometrist to find out how much a pair will cost. For builders who have gone through multiple pairs of glasses on the job, it can be a real cash saver. For more information, contact local professionals like Eye And Laser Center Of Fort Collins.
