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What To Expect When Getting Dental Implants

Have you decided that getting dental implants is the most ideal way to replace your missing teeth? Although dental implants are a great artificial teeth option, certain oral health conditions must be met before the implants are installed. Basically, your mouth must be examined to find out if you are a good candidate. This article will give you a general idea about what to expect during the process of getting dental implants.

Getting Your Mouth Examined

When you visit a dentist to get dental implants, he or she will ask questions in regards to your oral health. You must tell him or her if you have any major oral health problems of concern, such as cancer. The dentist will also manually examine your mouth to look for infections, cysts, and tooth decay. An x-ray will be done to find out how strong your jawbones are, as they must be in top shape for dental implants.

Replacing Weak Jawbones

If an infection is found, it will be treated along with other oral health problems. You will then have to get bone grafts if there are weak jawbones in your mouth. Jawbone health is one of the most important aspects of the dental implant procedure. The implants will not stay in place for long after placement if your jawbones are weak.

Getting Metal Posts Installed

When your jawbones are in a satisfactory condition, metal posts will be installed. Metal posts are basically artificial roots that can work just as real ones. After the posts have been installed, you will be sent home for a few months to heal and allow the posts to integrate with your jawbones. The posts will then be secure enough to keep artificial teeth in place so you can chew with them without worrying about them falling out.

Finishing the Dental Implant Procedure

When you return to the dental clinic after healing from metal posts being installed, abutments will be attached to them. The abutments are used for supporting the artificial teeth. It will appear as though they are your natural teeth, and no one will detect that you have undergone the dental implant procedure. After the procedure is over, you will be prescribed antibiotics and pain medicine, and you will have to return in a few weeks for a checkup.

Make an appointment to discuss dental implants with a dentist and find out if your oral health is good enough.
