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Spa Services That Every Woman Going Through Menopause Should Try

If your skin is showing changes that you do not like as the result of your menopausal symptoms, there are obviously many prescriptions that your doctor will probably be happy to provide you with. Unfortunately, many of medications available today present the possibility of side effects and allergic reactions. Therefore, it is a good idea to consider the benefits of visiting a spa for more natural healing. Click here to investigate skin care services, and read on to see how two different spa services can benefit you.

#1 - An Hour Of Bliss With Swedish Massage

It is often surprising to learn that massage therapy provides a variety of different benefits. For instance, reduced estrogen levels are part of menopause and cause a significant portion of women to develop high blood pressure. In turn, high blood pressure will often result in poor circulation, which means that your hands and feet may feel cold. Since Swedish massage is known to improve circulation and provide relaxation, which is one way to manage high blood pressure, it is easy to see that indulging in this treatment at a spa is a great idea.

However, it is important to remember that spa treatments of any type are not a substitute for appropriate medical care. You should never make any changes to medication that you take or medical care that you require without first discussing it with your doctor, but spa treatments can often be complementary that care.

#2 - Exfoliation For Thinning Skin

Many women who have gone through menopause mentioned that their skin seemed to be thinner. The reason for those complaints once again relates to the hormonal changes of menopause, as the collagen in your skin provides it with elasticity, and it is common to lose up to a third of your collagen within the first five years after menopause.

At a spa, you may be able to benefit from an exfoliation, which removes the dead skin cells from your skin through the use of chemicals like salt or by physically removing it with a surface item. It brings the newer, healthier skin cells to the surface and as a result, the appearance of thin skin will frequently improve.

In conclusion, menopause is often a very challenging time for women, and their skin is likely to experience changes. If you are ready to feel beautiful and enjoy your skin once again, it is time to spend some time at a quality spa.
