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The ABCs Of Preventing Back Pain As A Runner

As a runner, you already know that the vigorous pounding that comes along with your sport can be hard on your body, especially when it comes to your back. No matter how much you may enjoy running, you definitely do not enjoy the backaches that can come up after a long run. Even though a little strain and pain is a normal part of the running process, there are a few things that you can do to help prevent back pain from being such a big issue as a runner.

Always warm up before you take off for a run.

The worst mistake any runner can make is to run without properly warming up the muscles in advance. When you jump up and start running after being at rest, your muscles will not flex as well and will be tense. Walking for a few minutes before you start to run and doing plenty of stretches, including stretches for the lower and upper back, will help loosen tense muscles and leave them much less prone to injury.

Be careful about the type of shoes that you wear when you run.

The shoes that a runner wears is one of their most important apparel pieces. Running shoes should offer adequate heel, arch, and toe support to keep your body balanced as you run, but they should also be comfortable enough to allow your foot to flex, bend, and move. Additionally, the soles of your running shoes should be made of synthetic rubber with plenty of traction to prevent slippage and skids when you run fast.

Checkout the surface you are running on.

If you frequently run on hard surfaces, such as pavement or concrete, you are more likely to have back pain when you run. This is because the shock of hitting the hard surface with your feet repeatedly can send a jolt up through your spine. If you frequently experience back pain when you run, try making a change with where you choose to run, opting for running paths that are either dirt or rubber coated.

Some runners may say that if there is no pain, there is no gain. However, there is a limit where pain is not a good thing and back pain should definitely not be something that you suffer through because you are a runner. If you are experiencing major back pain because of running, be sure to talk to a doctor, like the ones at Southwest Florida Neurosurgical Associates, to diagnose the issue.
