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Three Things You Should NOT Do If You Swallow Some Of Your Orthodontia

The world of orthodontics sees some very bizarre things happen to kids and adults who get braces. Probably the most bizarre of all possible events is the swallowing of metal brackets when they become loose, fall off the teeth while chewing food, and are swallowed. While this is definitely scary, you should remain calm. Do NOT do any of the following three things, and always follow up with your orthodontist.

Do NOT Force Yourself to Vomit

The initial reaction of some people who have swallowed a metal bracket is to immediately force themselves to vomit. The idea is that if they can get the metal bracket back right away, the orthodontist can put it back on the tooth. This is a terrible idea, since the sharp metal edges of the bracket can cause little cuts in the esophagus coming back up. Instead, continue to swallow food to cushion and encase the bracket on its downward journey, and drink plenty of fluids to hasten it to your stomach. There, the stomach acid will either dissolve the bracket enough that it is not dangerous and you will eventually pass it in your feces, or it will dissolve completely.

Do NOT "Chase" It with a Corrosive Agent

This may seem like common sense, but you would be surprised at just how many people think it is a good idea to send a corrosive agent down after the metal bracket in an attempt to dissolve it. The fact is, stomach acid is corrosive enough, and adding a dangerous and deadly liquid could kill you. The metal bracket from your braces will not kill you, and it will not cut you up from the inside. It is far safer to allow the bracket to make its way through your digestive tract than it is to try and dissolve it with a toxic substance.

Do NOT Hasten the Bracket Through Your System with Laxatives

While it is easy to see why you might think this is a good idea, using laxatives for anything other than the occasional bout of constipation is never a good idea. Your body can protect itself, and it will recognize that the metal bracket is a foreign object and take care of it. Let nature take its course. If you are especially worried or concerned about the metal bracket causing your internal organs harm, consult with an orthodontist who can assure you that swallowing one, tiny metal bracket from your braces will not kill you or cause internal bleeding either.
