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What Hearing Aid Is Best For You?

Wearing a hearing aid is beneficial for your ability to listen to conversations and enjoy life with better hearing capabilities. Finding the right hearing aid can be a challenge when you don't know which style fits you best. Comparing hearing aids side by side by brand and fit is a great way to help you pick the right one for you. With the help of an audiologist, you can find the perfect hearing aid for you needs. Here is a list of things you should look for when picking a hearing aid, so you can choose the best style for you.


If you are concerned about people being able to see your hearing aid, then you want to choose a discreet yet comfortable style. You may want to choose an in-the-canal style. This style of hearing aid is the smallest on the market and offers the most discreet and aesthetically pleasing results. These hearing aids are difficult to adjust due to their size and location for many people, however, so if you have vision issues or arthritis in addition to hearing problems, you may want to go with a larger style.

Another option that is fairly discreet is the in-the-ear hearing aid. It fits in the outer part of the ear and is typically flesh colored to give it a more discreet appearance, and may be easier to adjust and place in than its smaller counterpart. Your audiologist can help you compare these discreet styles to see which one will work best for you.


If you are more concerned about comfort over design, the classic behind-the-ear style may be best for you. These styles fit over your ear using clear tubing, and can be adjusted to the size and shape of your ear. These styles are very easy to clean and adjust, making them perfect for children or first-time hearing aid users.

Another style to consider is the on-the-ear style, which is a mini version of the behind-the-ear hearing aid. This hearing aid fits into your ear like the classic style does, but the tubing only goes up to the tip of your ear rather than wrapping around. This makes the unit smaller and more discreet without sacrificing ease of use or cleaning benefits.

When choosing a hearing aid, you also want to talk to your audiologist about your lifestyle activities, such as swimming, riding motorcycles, or even jogging, so they can help you choose a brand and style that will work well with your activity level. Whether you want comfort, discreet appeal or a fine combination of both, there are many options available to you to help you pick the right one for you. For further assistance, click here for more info.
