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Forever Young: Choosing The Best Cosmetic Procedure For You

Over the years, many factors can leave your face with multiple imperfections. Years of sun damage can cause patches of hyperpigmentation (sun spots). Acne and childhood chickenpox can lead to scarring on your face. As you age, your body does not heal itself as well as it once did. So what can you do to help eliminate these facial flaws? As technological advances increase, more people are opting for the many non-surgical options that cosmetic dermatology provides to help smooth out both the tone and texture of the skin.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel uses a solution such as alpha-hydroxy acid or trichloroacetic acid to help exfoliate the outer layer of skin, getting rid of rough, uneven skin patches. There are three different levels of treatment depending on the severity of your facial scarring. While the superficial and medium peel can be repeated as necessary, the deep peel penetrates the middle layer of skin and can only be performed once. Recovery time can be as little as one week for the superficial peel and up to twenty-one days for the deep peel. Chemical peels work great to help remove fine lines, acne scars and sun damage, but can worsen cases of rosacea, psoriasis and eczema.

Average Cost: $700

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing  also removes the epidermis, but instead of chemicals, a concentrated beam of light from a laser is used to generate the desired effect. Laser skin resurfacing also encourages the growth of collagen by heating the dermis at the same time. After approximately five days following your treatment, your skin will begin to peel and new skin tissue will form. Recovery time for the procedure is typically one to two weeks. In order to minimize treatment time, apply an ice pack for the first couple of days, use a saline wash to keep the area clean and free of bacteria, and keep your head elevated above your heart while sleeping. This will reduce swelling and minimize the risk of an infection. The new tissue will be pink at first, but this will diminish over a few months, leaving your skin with a more youthful, smooth appearance.

Average Cost: $1,000-$2,000


Microdermabrasion uses tiny crystals applied to the skin to gently exfoliate the outer layer of skin and increase collagen production. Microdermabrasion is a cheap and easy alternative treatment for producing smoother, younger looking skin. It works to minimize fine lines, sun damage, and facial scarring. It also reduces blackheads and large pores. The best part is there is no recovery period for this treatment. Discomfort following the treatment is uncommon, and any swelling or redness should be gone within a few hours.

Average Cost: $148

Skin resurfacing treatments just serve to eliminate problematic skin conditions that already exist, not prevent future damage. It is important after your treatment to protect your skin from further injury.  Wear a daily sunscreen to minimize the risk of hyperpigmentation and possible skin cancer. This is particularly important following a resurfacing treatment, because your skin is more exposed to harmful rays. Minimize the amount of time you are outdoors, and wear protective clothing such as a hat when you must be out in the sun for an extended time. If acne continues to be problematic, talk to your dermatologist (like those at Advanced Dermatology Care) about treatment options to prevent further outbreaks.
