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3 Symptoms Of Neurological Disorders You May Be Unaware Of

There are millions of people who are affected by neurological disorders every year. It is important to recognize what a neurological disorder looks like, so you can get treatments as soon as possible. Many people mistakenly think that if you have a problem with your spinal cord or brain that you will feel pain in those areas. Pain isn't the only common symptom with a neurological illness. Instead, it will present itself in other ways. Here are a couple things you should be on the lookout for:

1. Difficulties With Speech

If you are suffering from a neurological disorder, speech might be one of the first things to be affected. In some cases you will find yourself unable to think of the right word or construct meaningful sentences. You might notice that you can write what you are thinking, but you cannot verbally say it. Some people have even reported that they had a hard time reading aloud. These kinds of symptoms are very indicative of some sort of problem.

If you find yourself experiencing a sudden change in your ability to talk or communicate, you should see a doctor, like Hamza; Mohsen MD, right away. The earlier you get treatment the safer you will be.

2. Problems With Balance

Another common side effect of a neurological disorder is having a hard time balancing. Balance is controlled by the lower part of your brain called the cerebellum and your inner ear. Thus, there can be two explanations for balance problems. It could just be vertigo or a problem with your ear. However if there is any kind of disease or damage to your cerebellum, you will notice that you can hardly stand up straight without falling over. This type of problem may require surgery.

3. Sudden Change In Mobility

It is not uncommon to have a sudden change in your mobility since neurological disorders affect the muscles. Many people notice that they are unable to grip something tightly or find that they start shaking more than usual. These are signs that there is something that is affecting the brain or the spinal cord. Your brain controls your voluntary and involuntary movements. If the brain isn't sending the proper signals, you would notice a change in your whole body.

By understanding how neurological disorders affect your body you can be on the lookout for problems. As you can see, these types of disorders don't create pain as much as they affect your ability to complete your day-to-day tasks. 
