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Pregnancy Labor Assistance: Who Will Help You?

If you are pregnant for the first time, you will most likely be a bit anxious about the thought of labor. You may not know what to expect, and you will want to make preparations well in advance to help you cope when the time arrives. When you first find out you are pregnant, you will need to make a decision on who you would like to handle your maternal care. Many women will opt for an obstetrician. Others will decide they would like to be assisted by a midwife.

Here is a summary of the two and what the differences are so you can make a determination on which route you would like to take for your own labor when it happens.

What Does An Obstetrician Do?

If you decide to be seen by an obstetrician, you will be expected to go to monthly appointments when you are newly pregnant. The appointments will become more frequent when you get closer to your due date. An obstetrician will do routine checks to listen for your baby's heartbeat, measure the growth of your uterus, and ask you if there are any problems that you are experiencing.

When you go into labor, the activity will take place in a hospital setting. You will labor in a room with the assistance of your partner and nurses. When your cervix gets to ten centimeters, you will be able to push your baby out of your body. An obstetrician will guide you through the pushing process and be there to help the baby come out safely. If there are any complications, an obstetrician will be able to do emergency procedures, including vacuum extraction, using forceps, or doing surgery to get the baby out safely.

What Does A Midwife Do?

A midwife will give you the same types of care for the entire pregnancy. You would have appointments to check your body and the baby to make sure that everything is going as it should. Some midwives will be affiliated with hospitals in the area, or they may be hired independently.

If you are interested in having an all-natural birth experience, a midwife may be a good choice. You would be able to labor at home, in a tub, or in whatever type of setting you wish. A midwife will be there to talk you through the entire labor process, helping you to focus by using techniques that will relax you.

If there is an emergency situation when the baby is being born, a midwife will not be able to assist in any procedures. You would need to go to a hospital if an emergency were to arise. To learn more, contact a company like Women's Healthcare Associates LLC with any questions you have.
